
The Zoo

The delay for this blogpost might have been a little long since I visited the Singapore Zoo Tuesday last week but there's been a lot to do and other things to post about!

So Monday and Tuesday last week we didn't have any scheduled classes due to the presidential election making the Monday a public holiday and the Tuesday was Hari Raya, the Muslim new year. So even if I had been in Malaysia during the weekend I thought that I had to do something during these days off and the Singapore Zoo seemed like a nice day-trip!

After some last minute bail-outs it ended up being me, Hallvard and Sanaz. The trip to the zoo took approximately one hour, the zoo being located far north in Singapore at the top of a big nature reserve.

One of the biggest differences of the Singapore compared to Swedish zoos is the density of animals; in Sweden a lot of animals are able to hide in their enclosures and you're never able to see them but here in Singapore the enclosures are so small that it's more or less impossible for the animals to hide and you get to a lot of cool animals!

Another thing is of course the assortment of animals which is a bit different thanks to the climate, so we could see crocodiles, a lot of different fishes and turtles which I don't think are so easy to find in Sweden.

Then we saw this strange animal as well; they call it a Norwegian! They resemble us humans more than you can imagine actually! :)

But of course, with a smaller area for the zoo it easily becomes crowded (classic Singapore) and at some places it was hard to get a good picture due to all the people.

I also ate one of the most expensive ice-creams I've ever eaten (at least compared to what I got, Smultronstället is bit more expensive but then you get a lot for the money); I paid $10 (55 SEK) for two scoops of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the ice-cream but sure, it was good ice-cream.

We spent our whole afternoon walking around the zoo and I think that it was sufficient, at 17 you started getting a little tired of walking around but that was at about the same time as we realized that we had gone around everything and seen almost all the different animals. In conclusion, it was a an afternoon well spent!


  1. Alltid misstänkt att norrmän inte är riktiga människor ;)!
    Skämt åsido - fina bilder!
    Kram Mamma

  2. Haha, klockren bild på apan. Han ser ut att han skön inställning till livet med den näsan!

  3. Lovely pictures! So I think if you wondering to change your profession in the future, I think you can be a good photographer. :)
    It seems that you have a good time "over there" with some new friends, even though you study hard.
    Here from you soon I´ll hope.
    Hugs from family Ingemarsson - Sweden you know ;)

  4. Ja, apan hade en skön attityd! ^^
